anime dl


It is recommended to use the external downloader functionality with aria2c because it will be faster than the internal downloader: Use the argument -xd "{aria2}"


Run anime dl --help to get the latest cli options.

Search and download

  • To search and download all episodes use the following command;
anime dl 'code geass'

To search on animepahe,

anime dl 'code geass' --provider animepahe

Run anime dl --help for help using the dl subcommand.

Download directly

  • To download Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood all episodes;
anime dl ''
  • To download Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood episode 1;
anime dl '' --episodes 1
  • To download Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood episode 1 to 20;
anime dl '' --episodes 1:21
  • To get stream url of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood episode 1;
anime dl '' --url --episodes 1
  • To play using vlc. (On windows use path to exe);
anime dl '' --play vlc --episodes 1